Keep the chain going, authentically!
Real estate is a relationship business and a numbers game. Understanding those two things, along with uncovering beliefs that hold us back, goes a long way in creating a successful career. Since this class also goes over practical steps participants can take to grow their business and identify who they want to work with, it helps them focus and add value to what’s truly important—the clients they help!
- Money and scarcity mindset and how that sets you up for success (or not)
- Growing and harvesting your database by nurturing relationships and having boundaries
- Niching down and determining who you want to work with
In this class you will do a deep dive in nurturing client relationships, and will continue on ways to grow and harvest your database. You will drill down to who You want to work with and create healthy boundaries. As we know we are in the relationship business, yet we would not be able to do it without making money. Keeping a focus on how you think about money or lack thereof, will clear the way to having a business you love.